Friday, August 12, 2011

Which is better spray or lotion sunscrean?

ok my sis is being a piss off and so i say that lotion sunscrean is better ebcause its thicker, and has been used much longer than spray, but my sis just thinks spray is better because it works for her.... what do u think is better? answer quick please going shooping for sunscrean at 1 LOL

Are mathematical physicists mathematicians, physicists, or both?

Normally, most people would assume "mathematical physicist" = theoretical physicist, but I have to come to find out that it isn't. So, what exactly are mathematical physicists? Are they mathematicians who are interested in the applications of pure math into theoretical physics? Or are they really just theoretical physicists with a more "mathematical training"? Or can they be considered both mathematicians and physicists?

Astrologically, why does my sister hate my dad so much?

She is a Cancer and he is Aries. Aries and Cancer don't go well together but as father - daughter relationship astrology can't be a matter. You should not look at astrology when it come to family. You can't change zodiac signs of your sister and your father. Usually Cancers like their family members a lot doesn't matter what their signs are. If your sister doesn't like her own father that means that she has some mental problems. If she hates her own father who never did anything to her then it is not normal.

How do you know the information is raw?

How I know the information is raw is I test it. Over & over testing it's reality,it's truth, it's actuality. I compare & contrast it with as many things as possible.

Why did mathematicians allow what happened to Giordano Bruno?

I've read he had friends and many who followed his work. Was the religious crowd so powerful that they humiliate, harm and kill such a brilliant man of science and math on a whim? It makes me wonder what mankind lost with his murder. What could be done to stop people from crucifying or burning people at the stake for promoting math discoveries?

Can some brilliant Mathematician figure out this Economic Question for me?

I am going to obtain a student loan of 64,000$ per year (which charges 8% interest starting with the deposit), and hold $20,000 in a savings with 1.15 APY (interest). If I were to take out $2400 each month and place that into a non-interest bearing account; by the end of 4 years, how much money would I have made from the 1.15APY savings account, whose value obviously diminishes by the month but gets replenished with $20,000 3 more times each January before it is entirely used up.

Can a beautiful lady be a Top Mathematician?

Yes. I forgot her name, as I read about her like six months ago, but there is actually a female mathematician in her 20's who is beautiful.

Help with 2 problems?

1.c 2.a 3.answer is not specified in the given options .IT WILL BE (-1)(-1)-4(5)(4)ANS. 4.b 5.c Ans.

How can I relieve nasal congestion? This is far worse then the average person's?

Well, a doctor is definitely in order. In the meantime, I'm wondering if it's inflammation not actual congestion causing the problem. Maybe, try some kind of anti-inflammatory. Motrin is over-the-counter. There are others, as well. Ask a pharmacist maybe. Hope you get some relief, soon.

Who rules Aquarius? Saturn or Uranus..?

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and after Uranus was discovered, it became the ruler of Aquarius.

How to make satin gloves grip?

Have these satin gloves and i cant ever get a hold of anything while they are on. Does anyone know of a spray or something to add a Little tack or something to Just the fingertips ?

Compatibility of These Two People PLEASE?

i dont analyze people..i just look into your eyes if i wanna know who you are..some eyes are lost some eyes are easy to read..some eyes have i dont need horoscope to read people i just look into their eyes

Can i eat the limes from a tree that has been ant sprayed?

Yes also nobody eats the skin wich the skin has anti spray coat meaning it those not carry the spray on it

Is it possible to find out the placements of your perfect match?

Please write birth details for your answer and it is possible in vedic astrology there is all answer of concern of human life

What does it mean when an Aries has these in their chart?

It's probably your Sagittarius placements. Saturn here gives a need to have to comment on everything and Uranus won't mind you shocking people with your bluntness or your need to tell shocking stories. Your Moon here gives you an emotional need to think and talk big.

Will I Die ( Bug Spray )?

OK so its been raining alot and im a big neat freak so i sprayed alittle big spray in my bedroom . Were i sleep . Its been 20 - 30 mins since i sprayed ot i have no where else to sleep me and my doggie sleep in there can l sleep in there without anything happing to me or my dog???!

Whats the best way to win a leo womans heart?

Man, it doesn't matter what sign she is, as long as your faithful, and trustworthy, she WILL choose you. Signs and horoscopes DONT mean a single crum.

Why is it only Blonde's who have the best passwords?

Did she have her little pink holdall with hearts on by her side, in case it was "case sensitive" ????

Spanish mathematician or topic originating in Spain?

Hey does anyone know of any Spanish mathematician or mathematical topic originating in Spain at anytime?

Cute things i can leave in my boyfriend's room while he's gone?

My boyfriends going out of town for a week and im pet sitting for him which means i'll be in his house alot. what are some cute things i could do such as leaving things in his room for when he gets back? (for example,i already thought of putting a framed picture of us on his dresser,and spraying perfume on his bed/. cheezy i know :) but i know he'l love it) just want some more ideas!

Horseshoe Ideas??????????????

Are you asking us for ideas on how to design the horseshoe or..? I'm not really understanding, haha sorry! :\ If your asking us how to do their designs, would you mind giving us the horse's names/gender/their "job" as a riding horse?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What should I do about this BEE HIVE?

You can't have both-getting rid of the bees and keeping the honey. Make some calls to local beekeepers. Sometimes they will come and collect the hive for no charge, just to get the bees.

How much would you rate this quote out of ten?

"Life breaks all barriers. Life extends to new territories. Painfully even dangerously. But life finds a way."said by Ian Malcolm, mathematician in a fictional novel "Jurassic Park" written by Michael Crichton, it really seemed nice to me, how much would you rate it?

Calc word problem need help?

Farmer Jones, and his wife, Dr. Jones, decide to build a fence in their field, to keep the sheep safe. Since Dr. Jones is a mathematician, she suggests building fences described by y = 10 x^2 and y = x^2 + 6. Farmer Jones thinks this would be much harder than just building an enclosure with straight sides, but he wants to please his wife. What is the area of the enclosed region?

Bet you wannabe mathematicians cannot solve this problem?

This takes less than five minutes for an experienced person so I think that we should leave it to students.

Do you still consider Pluto one of the planets in our solar system?

I thought it was kind of an asshole move to take Pluto out of the club after all this time. so I'm still gonna count it.

Ugh! He called me a .....?

well did he **** somebody or not? cuz if i showed up at my girl's place wasted and smelling strongly of perfume and told her id been at my pal zachs house she would laugh her *** off. It could just be our different life styles but if you can find out he did for sure then dump him

First steps to new math?

That can't be since zero IS a number. I think it would make more sense if you said that zero was in the middle of infinity and negative infinity. But if what you said had been, then I suppose that one would be in the middle since zero would take forever to approach. But then again zero is a defined number since it represents nothing. Infinity is not a number because it cannot be defined. It goes on forever. Lol I hope that helps?

Why is it so painful being a scorpio? :(?

I am a scorpio sun with aquarius rising, moon, jupiter, mars in saggitarius, Mercury, N.node in Libra, sun,venus and pluto in scorpio plus saturn in pisces and uranus, neptune in capricorn. Honestly I hate being a scorpio, I feel so sensitive as hell, and I feel the slightest of insults :( people also describe me as calm above but totally not innocent and with many underlying issues. I feel saddendened when they say such things to me, though its kinda true. I'm full of angst on the inside and I bear grudges. I hate it that my likes and hates are to the extremes, I feel like I'm gonna explode when I see someone I hate, and get so overly jealous when they talk to my friends. Its painful to have such negative emotions everytime, which I believe has to do with my scorpio sun. People also love to say that I'm mean and sarcastic to the extremes. Can someone also gove me an explanation of what having those signs in the other planets mean?

Does anybody get this joke?

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.

Is this true for you?

If you're a guy, and you have an aspect to your moon, are you interested in women who strongly exhibit traits of the planet aspecting your moon? For women are you attracted to men who exhibit qualities of the planet aspecting your Sun? For example, my brother's moon is opposite his pluto and he married a Scorpio. I know a Libra man with Neptune conjunct moon and he married a Pisces. I was friends with a Libra who is really attracted to Pisceans and she has Neptune square sun.

Help with my beardie! :( (bearded dragon)?

Ten is amazing age for a beardie. It might just be his time. If you can find a high caloric paste for meant for reptiles that would help.

Here's a great question!!!?

Has anyone ever heard of how some Historians claim that a lot of the history that were taught is fictional and never really happened? Well a Russian Mathematician/Historian says that he realized all this after going through the History were taught and adding up all the years. What do you guys think about this?

What is wrong with me?

hello, quite embaraassing situation i have, i have had honking breath for years now, my teeth and gums are fine according to dentist. i have been treated for helibactor pylori as i had gerd, i am taking a spray for nasal drip, i scrape my tongue every day and use floss, when im sitting or relaxing i get a smell of poop in my throat, i avoid face to face talking, and its affecting me really bad now, doctor said there was no smell but im sure there is if i can smell it. please help

Running on a 1/4 mile track.... how far did I actually run?

I am going to run the army 10 miler in Oct, so I began practicing 2+ weeks ago. I have been practicing on a 1/4 mile track that has 8 lanes (4 lanes= 1mile.) I am now running two miles. What I didn't realize until a friend pointed it out to me is that I ran more than two miles because I didn't stay in the same lane for each lap that I ran. I ran in each lane so that I wouldn't loose count of how far I ran. Can someone tell me how far I actually ran? I think I may have ran 2 1/2 miles, but I am not good at calculating. Any great guessers, track coaches/runners, mathematicians, land surveyors out there? thanx

Is Moon conjunction Uranus orb +6�58 with this orb still apparent or is it too large? please answer!?

also pluto conjunct ascendant with orb of 7 degrees is that too large and what would be both aspects effect if they were this orb :D thanks

Do you trust "mainstream science"?

hahhaha isn't that the fun part about science. They actually continue to prove things, so they change. Instead of just saying this is how things are because a book says it. They pile fact upon fact, so they can conclude something, but you know. Believing in zombie jesus day is cool too

Please give me some advice for hair stuffs?

If Its dry, I used Aussie moist, or Pantene. They both work really well. Remember to use conditioner, and if you want extra shine, rinse out your hair with cold water!! Blowdryers kill hair, so try to let it air dry as much as possible.

Beconase nasal spray?

My gp has given me beconase nasal spray due to rhinitis which has started to work but now i have a cold n a mega runny nose and its also bleeding which may be caused by me sniffing alot. Im not sure wether im to keep using the spray as it is not helping at all atm and it also hurts when i use it. I would be grateful for any advice on what to do and whether i shud use something like vicks nasal spray for decongestiant? Thank you

Spray paint tarnished necklace?

My bestfriend got me a necklace from juicy couture. I always wear it, but now its tarnished. I have some gold krylon spray paint so I was planning on spraying it and then putting some clear nail polish on it when it dries... Do you think that's okay? Is it safe? Something else I need to know?

Is there any repellant sprays that I can spray on my clothes that repells wasps away?

I'm not sure, but I know what works for me, is dryer sheets. If you use Toss-n-Spins, wasps don't like the smell and fly away. I hang them near the doorways to my house and tent (when I go camping.)

Is my bad aspects make me intimidating?

* This makes your life more difficult, for sure. But how people perceive you is represented by your rising sign. If you have Scorpio or Capricorn rising, or Saturn or Pluto conjunct the ASC then you would be seen as an intimidating figure. BTW watch your temper!

Do the shannon twins karissa and kristina get a natural tan or do they spray tan?

I see both Karissa and Kristina both get a tan..but I cannot tell if their tans are natural. Most people say if a person has a real tan than it's mostly brown not orange..and I see the shannon twins when they get a tan in like the summer they are both olive or light brown..not orange. Are their tans somewhat natural? Because I heard they are both italian..and don't italians get pretty dark naturally?

Are we compatible? Leo&Virgo Sun?

You have Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury in the same Astrological signs, but your Venus (love planet), Mars, Moon, and Sun Signs are not compatible. Leo and Virgo is a difficult match, but you can make it work if you truly love each other.

According to my birthchart, what zodiac sign am i most likely gonna fall for, date, and marry?

I am going to say... whichever guy that you want to fall for, date and marry. You can't use a bunch of... whatever those are to figure out who you'll be with.

How to stop being jealous of other people?

Maybe just learn to love yourself. If you want material stuff go WORK. Your freaking 16 kind of lame to be depending on your parnet for everything. Go work at a McDonald. This just make you sound whiny. If you cant get a job well that is your bad.

Scared to buy feminine products?

Okay, Well I live with my boyfriend and I'm pretty scared to buy feminine products.. Tampons are fine, but, like Summers Eve body wash, and spray.. I'm scared to buy it.. haha, Tips &/or advice?

How to make hair wavy?(no heat)?

I have shampoo conditioner mousse holding hair spray oil sheen gel moisturizing lotion. I was thinking of doing this:. Washing and conditioning hair. Dry hair with a towel until damp comb out tangle and maybe but a drop of conditioner in hair. Put moisturizing lotion in. Then put mousse in hair. Comb it out. Take 4 section . 2 front 2 back. Twist each section. Then twist each section into a bun then get under the hair dryer. Would that work? Any other tips or things I need to add or take out? Thx in advance

Is it ok to use antibacterial soap, that may have die in it, when cleaning your rook piercing/?

i got my rook pierced yesterday, and the pierce-er gave me a spray bottle of clear liquid. but to tell you the truth i don't really know what that is. i also heard that you were supposed to use antibacterial soap that is unscented. Mine that i have is very light orange. i believe it is from sam's club. i also need sea salt, but i know how to use this cleaning method.

Would acrylic paint work on plastic?

For a flower or herb box as an example. Want to be creative and add details. Not just spray paints if possible.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can i paint a car with this?

Actually you can paint a car with roofing tar and a paint roller if you want, I really don't care. You should have bought some English and spelling lessons on my opinion. Just another goofy Canadian.

What would happen if i sprayed normal bleach in my hair?

I'm a blonde, but I don't like my hair being so dark, it's almost brown. I want it to be lighter, and the sun will bleach it, but only for like two days.. I kinda wanna try doing that but I know nothing about it.. haha thanks

Mathematician please help?

A collection of 5cents,10cents and 25cents coins amount to 42.70. The total number of coins is 344. There are twice as many 10 c coins as 25c coins and four more 5 c coins than 25c coins. How many coins of each kind does the collection have?Thanks

Cost of a motorbike re-spray?

What would be approx cost using rattle cans to spray a full race fairing set & tank for a Kawasaki 600 motorbike inc all consumables ie wet & dry paper masking tape etc. How many coats of primer, top coat and clear coat would be needed? A 400ml rattle can of Plasti-coat paint is about �6. Would it be cheaper to send to a spray shop, and if so approx cost. My neighbour thinks we could do it ourselves but i think we`re biting off more than we can chew. What`s most daunting is he wants the SWAN VESTA racing colours !

Planning on walkin a couple of miles?

so i came up with this plan to walk to my ex's grandma's house you know for a surprise(I'm weird) ut i don't wanna do it alone cuse it's a long freakin walk but my friend is being mean and stubborn and won't answer her damn phone and won't go on facebook .. i need someone to go with me.. :( but when she DOES answer her phone i will go there... it's gonna be hot that day so i've decided to bring my purse and put some water in it and a spray bottle with water in it and maybe a blanket and some snacks cuse we might be campin out there for a couple of hours... but if his family comes to his house and sees us you know it's gonna be damn awkward....but that's why i'm bringing my friend... i feel like i have to do it and something is telling me to do it .. and it's a good idea for exercise and stuff.... and to say this summer i walked a ton of miles in the hot blazing son... (without drinking my own piss >.<) so yea do you think it's worth it? am i doing what's right? please answer! thanks.... oh and if his whole family did come by cuse his grandma's house is a garden that they work in daily what should i say? thanks! i need all the answers i can get and if you don't know just put your best random guess!... thanks you :D

Which planetery position is responsible for my ambitious nature?

The Sun in Taurus squaring the Aquarius moon creates a tension which makes you want to review and perfect everything and gain a good long term outcome from projects. The Saturn in Cancer makes you take family life very seriously, and you probably want to be the bread earner and provide for your family. You look for a stable financial platform. Taurus is the most earthy of the earth signs and is sympathetic to the Cancer Saturn, and the Virgo Pluto which also helps in this mix.

Why do mathematicians seek to know if there exists an infinite amount of something?

there is something funny and ironic about a believer in god also believing that nothing is infinite.

Hair help ! Plz answer?

okay so i bought this temporary pink spray on color for the ends of my hair and it doesnt show up in most spots. My hair is black and its naturally curly. I washed my hair this morning and i left leave in conditioner in it. And the pink color shows up in dry spots. What/why do u think it wont show up. or what shud i do. anything guys, whatever u want to say as long as its related to the problem

Why wont water come out?

i just got a floormate vacume that vacumes/sprays this soulution/water picker uper thing. it vacumes but when i press the button to make the solution come out it wont! can anyone help me it shouldnt be cloged because i jut got it.

Answer this mathematical puzzle?

Logic would dictate to play the mother all 3 times, or even better someone else who is very poor at chess, since his father didn't specify he had to play either of them at all.

For every Visible spectrum (colour) is there also invisible colours?

Paul has the EM spectrum broken down for you. One thing I would like to add is that the light we see in the visible spectrum, is just smaller than one full octave of light. We can hear several octaves of sound, a low E and a high E are similar, I would only imagine that a low blue (in infrared) and what we call blue (visible light) would share similar properties in how we would see them, but they would be different colors, just like the two E's are different notes. To say for certain how a shorter or longer wavelength would be processed by our optical nerves and our brain is impossible, however.

What house is your Pluto in, and how do you feel about people who are jealous of you?

My Pluto is in my third house (Libra), and, frankly, I've not thought twice as to whether anyone would be envious of me. Pluto sextiles Mercury and Neptune in fifth house Sagittarius, Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon.

Christians: What do you think of St. Cyril of Alexandria?

I am an atheist and I respect Carl Sagan. Cyril DIDN'T kill her, a mob did! There is no indication that Cyril ordered the "hit". He may not have liked her and he may have spoken against her but that doesn't make him responsible for the actions of a mob. Mobs of people do terrible things all the time. Because they are a mob, it is difficult to determine who is at fault. So the most common thing to do is blame the person or the idea that the mob represents. It's convenient, easy to understand and WRONG. Each individual in the mob is responsible for their actions in any mob violence. It may be extremely difficult to determine but that doesn't make it less true.

How come everyone i kw has Scorpio in Pluto? what planet do u have in pluto?

Pluto spends 12-16 years in each sign. So anyone around your age probably has the same Pluto sign. Some astrologers do not believe that Pluto exerts much strength in a natal chart. I disagree. Yes, Pluto does have a large effect on society, getting rid of the old and beginning anew. But Pluto can have great significance in the birth chart. For example, many people of my generation have Pluto in Leo. But where it is placed and the aspects made to other planets can completely alter the meaning of the other planet. One of my friends is a Leo with her Pluto conjoining her Leo Sun. She does not seek the spotlight as many Leos do. She is very deep and observant due to Pluto's placement and she seems more like a Scorpio, which is the ruled by Pluto. This is why Pluto has such power in the chart. Pluto is nothing but concentrated power. The only thing that we need to watch with Pluto is that it always gets rid of old behaviors and I refer to it metaphorically like a bulldozer. But the problem with "leveling" everything to the ground is that one will lose all of the good things along with the bad. So that it the lesson with Pluto. Get rid of what is no longer useful but don't destroy the good things too. This is why Scorpio is the most powerful sign of the zodiac as its ruling planet is Pluto. Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you.

Paint that my dog won't eat?

I have 2 dogs, 1 boy and 1 girl. They are both 7 months old. When they are separate they usually don't do this, but when they are together they do... they eat holes in the walls. They dig and bite into the dry wall and leave holes. My gf and I are going to patch up the holes and repaint, but do you know of any paint that the dogs won't eat? Or any suggestions? We already tried using bitter apple spray.. thanks!!

What does Mars in the 8th house well placed indicate?

Mars in cancer 8th house , Asc.wil come sagitarious, Here the status of the jupiter & mars is important to know,Mars the lord of aries sign 5th house & scorpio 12th comes in 8th...4th house lord when sites in 8th from asc.problem to mother,illness operation, one remains away from birth place,lack of home comforts or misunderstanding with mother & family members, Its mangleek kundli bu but natural differences with life partner,lack of communication, contradictory charactors. Some time mars in 8th met with firy accident or fear from firy weapon too depending upon the status of sign lord of 2nd & 3rd house (MARKESH HOUSES) But one earns in fixed assets,education,property.Yes true sexy also. Better to know DOB/time/place for satishfied suggestions.BRHANDA astro vastu consultant 98141 11048

Live xxl platinum blonde permanent hair dye?

So I have naturally light brown hair, but my hair is currently a light baby/ash blonde(last died with a garnier ash blonde) I had purple hair before having it blonde so I have used numerous blondes to get it to the colour it is at the minute. I have also used purple shampoo to maintain the blonde and also I have used John Freida lightening spray. I was wondering what would happen if i were to use the Live xxl platinum blonde hair dye? will it ruin it completely or will it go a very light blonde/white? I have been told it may have a yellow tint so I was thinking of continuing to use my toning shampoo and conditioners after? Or would the Live xxl Ice blonde be a better option? I have a wedding in August and really want my hair platinum with matching extensions! Please bear in mind that I cannot afford to go to a salon as I am an unemployed student(before judging, I am job hunting!) thanks for any advice/experiences/opinions, all are greatly appreciated! :) x

Is this hair spray good and how should i use it.?

do hair sprays that come in plastic bottles work, and house to use them on curls. should i put it before curling my hair or after im done with the curls. the hair spray is from tresemme ( super hold).

How do I keep yellow jackets out of my pool?

We had an exterminator come out a couple of days ago. He told us he could get rid of them, but after we'd paid him and he sprayed, he revealed that he could get rid of everything but. That jerk almost missed the tiny nest in our roof near the pool. He knocked it down, taking out a few baby YJ's with it. We thought we were in the clear because we hadn't seen any. Today I tried to go swimming and two came out. (There used to be 3-4 so I guess that's an improvement). In an act of desperation, I grabbed a bottle of Fry's brand mouthwash and flung 3/4 of it in to the pool. The exterminator suggested I try Lysterine but we were out. Of the two YJ's, one flew away and the other attacked. Anyone within a mile radius heard me scream, but I'm not stung. So far, the pool is clear, but I'm too frazzled to try swimming again. Please help. I'm afraid of anything that flies and is smaller than a plane.

Movies on astronomy stuff....?

Science, History, Discovery channels on satellite or cable service have Universe and other series about lots of astronomy, planets, going there, etc.

Help! Is he mentally ill?

Hi, my boyfriend had really bad night last night cause his friends get him to do all these funny drugs. He came home messed up and was sitting on couch, and spray his balls with axe and light on fire, we take him to hospital and say it was accident(they are broken). And he also has been eating broken glass and things on the floor, and it is really scary. He is using inject-able drugs, how do I fix this?

Help with my new piercing?

I got my snug on my ear pierced on Tuesday. I went in to the place where I got it done today because it is extremely sore and red. I already clean it with sea salt piercing spray but I didn't know if there was anything to help it heal faster?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are square moon signs enough to ruin otherwise good compatibilty?

No, I would just be watching and know that Scorpio is not comfortable revealing their emotions until they are positive that they trust the other person. So the Leo moon would need to understand that. And Leo is not really that comfortable telling all either about their emotions. Yes they can be the life of the party, but when there is no spotlight they generally do not like to expose their emotions either. So not do bad. Just do not ask each other all the time "How are you feeling?" You both will open up when you are both comfortable to open up to each other. Don't ask for commitment either as both signs take that very seriously, esp Scorpio. Don't talk about future plans such as marriage. In other words, don't rush the relationship in any way, shape, or form. Now your Mars are in what is called an opposition 180 degrees apart. The Scorpio Mars needs to be very very watchful of what hs said to the Taurus Mars. Both are very stubborn. This could mean some difficulty when there are arguments. Be sure not to have battles that are not worth a battle. Save it. When there is an argument the Scorpio Mars will really have to watch their words because Scorpio knows others weaknesses and when angered, let's them fly! Don't do that Scorpio Mars. And Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn and you will not be able to change their mind when they have made a decision. That would be very difficult indeed. So save energy and only fight worthy battles. Be respectful of others emotions and you should be fine. Good luck and bless you both.




we have tried everything! our kitchen, bedrooms, living room, everywhere! I have no idea what they are after other than to piss me off! We have tried bait stations, nothing. Home Defense spray, nothing. We have vaccumed them, swept and mopped them, even windex'd them and they keep coming back! We have all the sugars and sweet things in air tight containers, nothing works. We are in an all out WAR with the ants and are LOSING! Any help would be awesome! thank you!

Do most average scientists tend to die as virgins?

Your average scientist (chemist, biologist, physicist, mathematician) earns from 40K-50K after finishing their post-doc either working in a government research lab or in the private sector. This comes after doing 4 years of undergrad, 2-4 years of a masters degree, 3-6 years of phD, and 3-6 more years of post-doc. Their student debt is usually higher than 80K after they are finished. Generally speaking, scientists are not exactly the most fashionable or desirable guys around. In fact, most are nerdy. However, most "nerds" usually make up for their shortcomings with money. Now, this is why I said "average scientists". I know that celebrity scientists are well compensated (6 figure salaries) and thus are attractive. But, those only make a fraction of all scientists. What about the greater majority of average scientists who slave away in a lab? Don't they have an exponentially higher chance of dying as virgins than other professions? Even garbage men earn more than they do.

What's the best bug spray? for earwigs, flys, spiders etc in the house :(?

we moved to a house and its an old house we've lived here for 2 years n all..we did some little bit of renovation and stuff..and yeah every summer we get earwigs..centipede..flys..spiders around...pisses me off like hell specially in my there any GOOD bug spray? that works?

Would being familiar with linguistic theories help a person to learn foreign languages faster?

Just as a mathematician would be able to teach himself stochastic calculus or probability theory with a much easier time than the average person, would a linguist be able to learn foreign languages much faster?

What should one apply on hair after straightening or curling to add shine after a holding spray?

I use antifrizz cream on damp hair..dn I use heat protection spray n dn add holding spray...wht else can we use for shine or gloss..i ve medium length wavy dry hair

What are some famous mathematicians in the field of algebra?

I'm looking for mathematicians that had an impact on the topics of Linear, Quadratic, Inverse/Direct Variation, and Exponential equations. Any other algebra 1 (in high school) branches as well.

Blocked ear and earache from using the phone?

I used the phone yesterday with my right ear and today I woke up with a slightly blocked ear and now its even more blocked and it is aching me as welll, its a bit painful, is there anything I can do, both my ear prescriptions has expired because I do get blocked ears atleast once in 4 months now. Ear drops expired, ear spray cant be used anymore because I only used it for 4 days since february... I dont know what to do

Backwoods inbred cannibal fight?

The original cannibal clan, the Sawyer brothers, "Leatherface & Chop Top" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2 VS. the sick cannibal mutants in the Hills Have Eyes Remake "Pluto" & "Lizard" in 2 vs 2 "tag team" fight to the death, who will win?

Cancer Male (zodiac)?

With a Cancer Sun, it's all about loyalty and tradition. It may take a while for this one to settle down because his Leo Moon may tempt him with admirers and frivolity. Leo Moons love to have fun but seek emotional validation and adoration. He may vacillate between his private and fun-loving self although his Venus in Taurus will value security in relationships and he will be in it for the long haul when he selects a suitable partner. His Mars in Leo suggest that he is a direct and demonstrative lover who would enjoy showering you with affection once you get inside that tough Cancer shell. He speaks from the heart (Mercury in Cancer) and enjoys a partner who has their feet in the ground and can deliver on promises. He needs to know he's appreciated and loved for who he is and it may take a strong and direct partner to assure him they love him more more than his good looks and charm. He has a lot to share with but with Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, he may rebel against what society expects of him. He may even choose to go his "own way" in relationships which is not to say he won't love being part of a partnership but will assert his will in such a way as to let you know he his own man and won't get married just because that is what you're "supposed" to do. It doesn't look like he'll have any trouble attracting partners however and will truly shine (maybe a little too much) when it comes to the game of romance. For him, love is a sensual exploration and expression of his joy. He will have to agree to let down some of those Cancer defenses but once he does he throws himself wholeheartedly into the affair. He wants love to remain easygoing and fun and his biggest drawback may be realizing that relationships do take hard work to maintain.

What dose all this men i dont get what venus and mars and all that is?

this means that mars,venus,sun etc were in a certain place of the 12 zodiacs at the time you were born. if you type in google 'whats my birthchart' you'll be able to find out, hope this helps

Why does my Honda push mower only run when it is starved of air?

My mower only runs when my hand is over the air inlet of the carburetor only allowing a very small amount of air through. It’s a Honda, model number - HRR2162SDA. I was also able to get it to run if I sprayed carburetor cleaner in through the air inlet. I only kept it running for about 15 seconds like just to prove that it would run. But I could keep it running for as long as I wanted with my hand over the air inlet. Does this make any sense to any one?

Astrologically, do I have potential to be a male porn star?

congratulation your question has been accepted into the top 5 "most retarded" question list.

Who would be the most Scorpio like in nature?

based on this, the first person. not only many more scorpio placements, but they have MOON in scorpio. that alone is a heavy placement that immediately makes a person VERY much like a scorpio, especially in emotions.

Does stopping using 'John Frieda lightening spray' give you roots?

I have recently started to use john frieda lightening spray on my naturally blonde hair. I was wondering if because i have never dyed my hair before or had highlights that using the john frieda spray would give me roots?

How do you pronounce the name Schur? The names goes back to the Mathematician?

Issai Schur who wrote a good inequality. I am doing a self-study and don't know how to pronounce it. Any suggestions please. Thanks.,

What do I need to know to become a Chief Financial Officer of a Corporation?

I am a mathematician and was recently offered the position of a Chief Financial Officer for a Corporation. If I decide to take this position, I need to know what exactly it is I am going to do and how to do it. Since this position is starting in a month, what is it that I need to know and how can I get a fast track CFO education?

Mars Opposite Moon is like aries moon?

Mars opposite the moon is indeed similar to an Aries moon. You will tend to attract battles in your relationships until you realise this is part of your own psyche. When you do this and acknowledge your own powerful emotional nature the relationship dramas and fights will cease.

Does a 1994 Isuzu Rodeo have a Plastic or Metal Radiator?


What do I need to know to become a Chief Financial Officer of a Corporation?

I am a mathematician and was recently offered the position of a Chief Financial Officer for a Corporation. If I decide to take this position, I need to know what exactly it is I am going to do and how to do it. Since this position is starting in a month, what is it that I need to know and how can I get a fast track CFO education?

What does Plato's Theory of Forms have to do with geometry?

Please help I need to write a report on a certain mathematician's contributions to math and I was given Plato. I knew this could be challenging since the report has to be 2 pages and single spaced plus the fact that Plato was more of a philosopher than mathematician. But please can someone specify as to how the Theory of Forms connects with geometry.

Is it alright to get a spray tan after a few weeks of getting a belly piercing?

its healing perfectly fine once i plan the spray tan it will most likely be 6 or 5 weeks of having the belly piercing which is about a month yes i have been cleaning the piercing everyday twice a day with the sea salt solution I do not touch the piercing only when im cleaning it but i was curious if i could like wrap a band aid onto the piercing or something like that when getting a spray tan, as well is a 4 month old nose ring fine when getting the spray tan? thank you for a answer if anyone does reply.

What can you use to get the odor of cat spray or urine out of carpets?

We just moved into a new apartment and the people before us had cats it smells like the cats just sprayed or used the carpets as the bathroom instead of a litter box. The amonia smell is so powerful it makes our eyes and throat burn. I have a ton of severe allergies and need to find some type of chemical or mixture that will permanently get rid of the odor. PLEASE HELP!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ladies, what do you use to protect yourself while jogging?

Since it's illegal in New York State to defend yourself, I can't carry mace, pepper-spray, stun-guns or pocket-knives; so what do you recommend I use to fight off the rapists I probably will face while jogging?

What does Sextile Sun in Uranus mean?

Sun(Sagittarius) in the 3rd house sextile Uranus(Aquarius) in the 6th house suggests a native that is highly independent with a strong desire to express their individuality. Usually these people are radical or unconventional in some manner. They may say things that are shocking, often just for attention. They tend to think out of the box and are highly critical and analytic. They may be especially good at coming up with new and unusual ideas that help them solve issues in the work place or in relation to their health. Usually there is an interest in unusual subjects or the sciences, mathematics and the occult.

In which astrological era did the concept of "open" sexuality begin?

I know it had to be sometime after the 50s, but I know that in the 70s sexuality (in the US at least) wasn't discussed and acted upon quite openly among the older persons. The younger persons were burning bras, though. I wondered when this concept really started to flourish, and if it was a reflection of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, or a combination of those. (please be specific)

Was there a mathematical reason behind the rapture prediction?

I know it didn't happen, and I never believed it would. What I would like to know if this was a miscalculation from some famous mathematician or alchemist, or is it total myth not based on any math type person?

To the Libertarians and Republicans that want to abolish public education?

Look smaller locally controlled and state run and funded school systems have beaten out the public system time and time again in scores and student achievements period. the Fed public school system sucks period get over it.

Mathematicians: what's the real meaning of division?

Division...If you look at the name, the root word is divide. So I hope the word "separate" helps. I guess number 2.

In the Science channel I often hear vivid description of astronomers regarding the vastness of our universe...?

What they show was mind boggling, the vastness of the universe and explaining black holes, galaxy after galaxy, illions of stars and distances in billions of light years. Has the universe no end? Are our illustrious space scientists, philosophers, mathematicians and astronomers prepared to admit that there is INFINITY in space? Doesn't infinity mean that there is no end, that it goes on forever and ever? If there is no END, then there can't be a BEGINNING correct?

Are we any nearer to understanding the origins of the universe?

I am not in any way a mathematician,and, I accept most of what they purpose when asking similar questions before.I found my reasoning more sound than some of the answers, If in the beginning there was "nothing" which is the most logical statement, It was stated to me that space itself was created with the big bang, and the latest thinking the big bang was caused by an imbalance of the"vacuum" yet to have a vacuum you have to have space, I am not in anyway religious and could never go down that path, to be religious you are accepting "magic" yet the origins of the Universe always ends up with this enigma. I sometimes think that this never hap pend and the whole thing is a dream but this is just as crazy for I am aware I am writing this question

Mathematician please help?

Bill bought 16 notebooks for 109.50. Some cost 6.00 each and the rest at 7.50. How many of each kind did he buy??

R&S: Do most average scientists tend to die as virgins?

Your average scientist (chemist, biologist, physicist, mathematician) earns anywhere from 40K-50K after finishing their post-doc either working in a government research lab or in the private sector. This comes after doing 4 years of undergrad, 2-4 years of a masters degree, 3-6 years of phD, and 3-6 more years of post-doc. Their student debt is usually higher than 80K after they are finished. Generally speaking, scientists are not exactly the most fashionable or desirable guys around. In fact, most are nerdy. However, most "nerds" usually make up for their shortcomings with money. Now, this is why I said "average scientists". I know that celebrity scientists are well compensated (6 figure salaries) and thus are attractive. But, those only make a fraction of all scientists. What about the greater majority of average scientists who slave away in a lab? Don't they have an exponentially higher chance of dying as virgins than other professions? Even garbage men earn more than they do.

How do we know what our galaxy looks like when the furthest we can see os pluto?

Plus, how do we know where the centre of the milkyway is if we have never been outside of it to look at it

Can you tell who would be more emotionally vs. superficially attached in a relationship by house placements?

Good morning ViaFT, Of should I say Good Moaning...have you seen that guy here on answers? I am a night owl and I love that Good Moaning because the only thing I am good at in the morning is moaning. Oh, my back hurts. OOOOOHHHhHHhhhhHHHh...MY BACK HURTS! What a grump I am. With your job and kids and all your interactions with the weaker sex (lol) I'll bet you are a morning person. Well I am just too tired and too old. My daughter often says "You want me to start your water?" Yes, of course I do. That coffee is a necessity. Every long-term partnership I have ever had, the man always made my coffee for me. That speaks volumes. Well enough about me. How are you and is this the same guy that you had the compatibility chart with last week? I do use synastry to some degree but it is definitely not my strong point. I used to do the composite charts, with mid-points and so you just end up with one chart to study for the relationship. So, it's going to take me a while to get this going, but I am gonna look at it for a while and then edit. Actually typed ediot (when an idiot is editing LOL) So give me a few and then I will ediot. I think I have started something. Bless you and yours. Shall return.

What can i do to keep dogs and cats from urinating and pooping on my front lawn?

is there any common products i can place or spray on my lawn to keep cats and dogs from pooping on my yard

Ticks on dogs/in house?

My dad put some dirt in our backyard a few months ago and ever since then, we've noticed ticks on our dogs. We've been spraying our yard and house, put medicine on the dogs monthly, had them groomed and shaved, but we've still been finding ticks on the dogs. The thing now is, the ticks bite our dogs and then fall off when they ingest the medicine, so now we have ticks loose on the kitchen floor (where the dogs stay). How can we completely get rid of the ticks?

Painted over wall paper?

I need some suggestions here. I am working on an estimate for a kitchen. The existing walls in the kitchen were previously wallpapered and then painted over using latex. The problem here in lies.. The wallpaper was applied in strips and every seam is visible and 2-3 seams have split apart and cracked through the paint. The home owner had previously lifted some of the paper at a seam and it doesn't appear that the sheet rock was treated before the paper was applied. Now short of doing some demolition and re-dry-walling the entire kitchen what are my options? I'm pretty sure a steamer will destroy this the sheetrock as it is pushing sixty years old. I'm also not trying to score the paper and spray solution to spend 10 hours ripping off tiny pieces of paper because it didn't soak through the paint. I have also thought of just skim coating the entire wall with a spackle/joint compound or similar product but I'm not sure how long that will last before the paper lifts more and cracks the spackle and new paint. Any suggestions? If you have a technique you could share with a rough time-to-complete that would be great. As far as I can tell from first look only one wall will require this treatment, I would guess the dimensions at about 13' x 8' with a simple crown molding at the top, no chair rail and an electric baseboard heater at the bottom.

My gourd leaves are yellowing?

My gourd leaves have turned yellow on the edges and I am almost certain they have angular leaf spot on them as well. Those are my ornamental gourds. My hard shell gourds are only about 5 feet away and THEIR leaves are curling down and darkening. What should I treat them with? My ornamental gourds had powdery mildew last year, so I am spraying every gourd plant with that fungicide.

When cooking chicken can I use cooking spray?

I have a toaster oven chicken recipe that says to brush the top of chicken with olive oil. Can I use cooking spray or is it not enough. Im new to cooking and don't know when it isn't good to use cooking spray.

R&S: What would happen if the government stops paying research scientists?

be exactly like Australia after the little sycophant runt John Howard, basically disbanded the CSIRO, you pay others your for your technology

Sunburn HELPP please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

on canadas day i went to the fair ALL day and got the WORST SUNBURN POSSIBLE, and then the following day i went out swimming and made it SOOO much worse, right now i dont have anything but aloe vera spray but it does not help AT ALL -.-. would vasaline help ? for now? im going out later to buy solarcaine but for now I REALLY need to put soemthing it hurts so much, i can barely move!!!! omggg i have vasaline, uhmmm thats it really PLEASE help :( it hurts so much

Jock itch!! HELP please!?!?!?

I have had jock itch for around a month. I shower daily and have good hygiene for a 17 year old boy, but despite this I got jock itch. I have tried all lotrimin creams and sprays and take many different vitamins and supplements to boost my immune system. I have used tea tree oil, and powder a few times daily! I think I have cured it, but my groin is still a little sensitive and slightly pinkish. It doesn't itch or stink. I am wondering if I have cured my jockitch and the slight discoloration is an after effect? And if the slight sensitivity is due to the new skin which replaced the fungus? And if my groin is just used to the daily treatment of being pampered with powder, and needs to work it's way up to be tougher and less sensitive? Any help please!!!!!

Is it ok to used raid outside to killed the bug problem coming in the house?

I been having bug problem I finally figure out how they are getting in so I decided to spray raid the area the bug be coming threw and I like to know is it ok to like be outside bare foot after using or do I have to wait before going outside.

Why was Srinivisa Ramanujan such a poor man who lived in poverty and died of malnutrition & vitamin deficiency?

So Srinvisan Ramanujan could not afford food, medical care, and neither could he afford college education. Why did not anyone help him out knowing he was the 20th greatest mathematician of all time? He died at age 32, leaving behind the most amazing mathematical discoveries and formulas. If he lived longer, he could have brought many new things to light. Such good talent found by 1 in billion, wasted because of poverty?

What Is the Biological Basis of Consciousness?

Consciousness is a state of mind where the present circumstances are more vivid and clear in a person's mind both in the mental state and also in the physical state.Sometimes, an individual has to live in a state of physical existence which is not acceptable to him but his mind or the conscious level accepts it.So, mental and physical states can have separate existence.

Is it my pluto 1st house along with venus that makes my identity wrapped up in proving that we must change?

Hello ViaFT, Internet out all day yesterday and was I "jonesin" (sp?) Just checked out your chart again and that Venus/Pluto conjunction is strong! Thank the heavens above it's not in Scorpio. At least with Libra you can at least say that you try to have harmonious and balanced relationships! lol (sorry, to myself anyway) Libra rising tends to make one beautiful and if Venus was solo in that 1st house how wonderful that would be! But adding that powerhouse Pluto takes that sweet ol' Libra and basically turns your sweet little Libra into an observant, takes-no-prisoners, You-are-going-to-take-no-BS from anybody in your relationships. That conjunction explains why you can't remember men's names because there is probably an abundance of them wanting to get into your drawers. When you love you love powerfully. And since this is a 1st house issues even if you wanted to hide this lusty power principle I doubt that you could. I would imagine that when you begin a relationship your partner has no idea what he/she is getting ones self into. Pluto tends to detonate the planets that conjoin it. Or maybe just bulldoze it down like it never existed. So you love powerfully and you also probably quit loving even more powerfully. (it is easily seen probably since 1st house issues are personality and ones first impression) It is going to take a strong person to be your partner. No humble and meek ones for you. They are just too easy to get. You need someone with strength, conviction, and loyalty. You will accept nothing less in a relationship. I remember that Aquarius guy, the creep that took x-rays of kids? What a pervert. BUT he did not stand a chance with you. I bet he was pretty surprised when he got your wrath! It is all or nothing with this aspect. I wouldn't worry about religion issues as that opposition with Aries Jupiter won't allow anyone to manipulate you. Aries is the warrior and Jupiter is faith and optimism. You have an abundance of courage to hold your ground against any religious zealot. So powerful love vs warrior of faith. Wavering between the two must get tiring at best. And agreed the Neptune trine is helpful. But you probably will always have issues with another regarding love and the war of faith. Gonna submit before I get Oops. Dang them anyway. I'll edit later Best regards Bless you and all Oh you have got to read Sasha S. question about Leos not needing attention. I got a little guilty laugh as I answered. Please check it out. It is close to your first question, a few before it I think. Please answer it as I think it is made for you as well as me. LOL Big Time Oh gonna answer your other question about mean girls after dinner. I need energy to answer some of these crazy questions. You need to eat too to keep up your strength with all those guys hounding you day and night. Bless you and yours again. Edit again. sorry but when I began studying astrology, Chiron was the big dog. I have enough problems working with everything else. But I do need to study them as I do have the interest. Will begin that soon. Yes you probably are scary to the male species. My daughter can't wait until we no longer need men. She is all "woman power" You gotta love her. Waiting for men to have an artificial womb so they can have their own babies. Then she is just going to laugh and laugh. Aw, kids. The best thing on earth. Can't wait to read your book as I am 100% agreeing with your religious premise. Working in churches as a church pianist was "enlightening" to say the least. Yeah, let's scare the crap out of them and then take their money! I have also written two small books about being a stepmother, and the other is how to survive being a single mom (trying to keep it simple as so many single moms are so young!) May just put the single mom one for free on my web site of course which I do not have as yet. Oh my favorite verse of the bible is Hebrew 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. Yeah, that is faith alright. Oh I became an ankle-biter when my progressed sun entered Aries at age 44. That was it. Grew me a backbone. Will keep this question so as I learn the asteroids I'll understand your questions. Good night and heading over to R and S for my rendevous with Jesus Jr and looking for your answers too. Bless you all. Will be in touch as usual. Edit: That total confinement has me upset. You have turned out great but many could learn from your abuse. At least that's what I call it. God bless you. Sleep tight. Edit: just saw your answer about Taurus guys lmao! You just made my day. Well, off ot the hyponotist! ttul


my maths project on the mathematician BHASKARACHARYA involves writing about one of his theorems and creating a problem based on that theorem. please please help me find a theorem suitable for the project.and i am in 9th grade. thanks a LOT in advance.

Are there any shampoos or conditioners that help split ends?

I have split ends and i straighten my hair every day. I was wondering if there are any products like shampoos, conditioners, any treatment things i can do. and if i use a spray that helps not burn your hair when you straighten it, will that help? I really want healthy hair and i want long hair again but split ends are keeping it from growing faster. I was thinking about maybe using biotin vitamins because i want longer nails too...and i was wondering if they would help..and i'm 12 too so i didn't know if i am able to take them....

Write a short paragraph about your favorite mathematician ?

write a short paragraph about your favorite mathematician Like what they have done for math and their names.?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My puppy (6 months) wont stop biting my duck on the neck. How do we stop him?

he is 3/4 Golden retriever and 1/4 German shepherd. When we see him we tell him NO very clearly and he knows what that means cause he will stop and cower down or go hide, and he knows he is in trouble but he will bite the duck any time we are not around. Are other dog which is a white lab is a few years old and doesn't bother the duck. We need help, we don't want our duck to get hurt to badly. We have tried spraying vinegar on him when he does it and he doesn't like it and we spray vinegar on the duck also so he will stay away. it helps sometimes but overall he will keep going for the duck. he doesn't mind very well. any ideas? please help

Calming my mare in season?

A lot of horse feed companies do some sort of calming supplements, try searching them up on the web, that's what I do =0)

Solving a Rubik's Cube?

Hello, I was just wondering how someone would go about solving a Rubik's Cube, and please don't say "Google it", I'm not looking for a internet tutorial really, I was wondering how someone could solve it with the bare basics, just the cube, a pencil, and paper, and please don't say "trial and error" either, i'm mainly just curious as to how someone would go about solving it mathematically. Any mathematicians here? ^^;

Baseball sabermetric mathematician?

A few years ago, a friend had told me about a mathematician/statistician who had his own baseball sabermetrics scales and rankings. The same guy analyzed other math info and looked at election data. I was wondering if anyone knew who I am talking about, or better yet, a link to his website. Thank you

What in my chart makes me this way?

With the planets you give ( the more the better and degrees help alot to find the aspects) the main thing that I see is that your Sun in Virgo quite possibly squares your Mars in Gemini. This causes a "friction" between these two planets. Your Sun (you as an individual) is having a personal issue with Mars ( the warrior in us). A square is always a life lesson that one must work on in this life. Being a Virgo I don't doubt that you remember every detail of your anger-filled memories. Virgo is a detail-oriented sign. And with Mars in Gemini it is difficult for you to let it go because Gemini's mind in always in motion, never-stopping, always on "go." Whether it is good or bad, your mind keeps hitting those resentful feelings and so you get angry all over again. My Mamma was like that. She could remember every wrong done to her in her life and when she told the story she would get so angry it was as if is happened yesterday instead of 40 years ago! When one is in pain one will often do anything to get rid of the pain. That is human nature. My daughter suggested a hypnotist as she was able to get rid of many hurtful issues through hypnosis, My answer is what she suggested for me when I began to dwell on emotional hurts that happened in my life. First you are to acknowledge the thought by saying " I acknowledge that I have this thought right now in my mind." The next step is to say " I am now going to let this thought go." I had to do this acknowledgment many times until I was able to think about something and then let it go. I am not trying to mitigate your situation. but since this is a life lesson for you (we all have them) you are going to have to find some way to let these past hurts go. Mars life lessons are always tough because we always feel that we need to act. Maybe not act appropriately, but we want action! And we want it now! Think about all the energy that it takes to dwell on past issues. I could suggest forgiveness but Mars rarely wants to travel down Forgiveness Road. Maybe this will help as Mars needs action. Take up a sport (tennis comes to mind, baseball too like a batting cage) and when you are hitting that ball pretend that it is the one that wronged you in your past. Beat the crap out of them! Good luck to you. I wish you the best as this is not an easy lesson. Bless you

Can someone please tell me SOMETHING? (astrology)?

In order to do any sort of predictive astrological work, we would need a complete natal chart with transits. You can have one drawn up at Otherwise, please post planets as well as house cusps by sign and degree.

How do the houses work in astrology?

Everyone's chart is unique, including yours. It would take a long time to explain all about the houses and the other questions you ask but basically, each house represents areas of your life (chart) - home, family, career, personality. Aquarius Asc and Gemini sun are both air signs which could denote that you tend to be a thinker - working from thoughts rather than feelings. Quite a forward thinker, innovative, etc. I see you have no planets in the first house. When people first meet you, they see your Aquarian side, UNTIL THEY GET TO KNOW YOU, and you are quite different underneath with that Gemini sun. Incidently, relationships for you seem to be slow to get off the ground, and can be quite turbulent at times. It is important that you are in to speak. Hope this is helpful, but it is difficult to interpret most factors without seeing the whole chart! Good luck.

Sprayed deodorant to close?

well this morning i sprayed deodorant to close to my armpits and there all red now.. is there anything i can do to get rid of this and how long will it take to go away

Which placements would make someone fascinated with death?

Maybe Pluto is transiting your 8th house. Also Pluto in Capricorn might be conjunct one of your planets there...or opposite your Moon in Cancer.

Can you make curly hair wavy?

so, my hair is naturally curly. i want to make it more wavy like beachy waves. sea salt spray doesnt work on my hair. so i was wondering if there was something i could do to make it more wavy? pleaseee(:

My cat keeps waking me up too early in the morning?

I have a two year-old cat that every night at about 5 am jumps on my bed, meows at me, and starts biting my hand to wake me up and either feed her or play with her. I realize cats are nocturnal, and I realize this situation is my fault, but how can I re-train my cat to leave me alone? I tried leaving extra food in her bowl and that didn't work. I also tried leaving her outside of my bedroom and closed the door, and all she does is meow incessantly (the longest I tried to ignore her for was 30 min!!). I also tried the water spray trick, but she runs off and then comes back, which also wakes me up. Any help? I really miss having a full night sleep....

Military options for college students?

So I am about to start my junior year in college as a double major of pre-engineering and mathematics with an education minor. I was wondering, other than OCS or OTS and ROTC, what options would the miltary have for me? Enlisted or officer. Are there advanced rankings? Is there a special corps for mathematicians/engineers/scientists? *Duh army corps of engineers* So nevermind I guess include ROTC and OCS too if they are required for a special position. I guess I am looking to sign on to be a scientist/mathematician/engineer/researc… exclusively and not have to go through and be placed based on accessions. Thanks Y.A.

Astrologically, why am I obsessed with the 'unknown'?

moon in scorpio!!! we like to dig deep into things and uncover what isn't seen. also like anything dramatic and hidden.

Unable to understand the contents of Ramanjuan "lost notebooks". How to get help interpreting them?

One of the greatest indian mathematicians Ramanujan died at 32 only. He never went to university or school. He was self-taught in math and did home study only without any kind of textbook. Also he was poor man and unskilled labor jobs is all he did. However, in his notebook he created very amazing formulas for 1/pi and similar stuff, which happened to be extremely accurate. He created a series of notebooks known as "lost notebooks". All these notebooks were prior to 1920 and were hand-written. Those hand-written pages of his notebook have now been scanned and uploaded on internet in the link below. However, I do not understand anything in his lost notebooks. I am a math major in university. I graduate next year, but I cannot make heads nor tails of his notebook material. How did Ramanuja create such stuff on his own without any schooling or education? That too when he was poor man. These notebooks are over 90 years old, and even today the material seem so hard to understand.

Question about my hair?

There is, scientifically speaking, nothing that makes your hair grow faster. You can ensure that it's length increases in a shorter amount of time by preventing damage. Split ends can cause a look of hair looking shorter than it should be. So you can A) cut off the split ends or B) Get a split end repair system. Nexxus has this beautiful daily treatment conditioner for split ends and it works so well.

Cardinal sun but fixed personality?

I have my Sun in Cancer in my 10th house. My moon in Libra in my 12th house conjunct my ascendant. Venus trine my ascendant. Pluto in Scorpio in my 1st house. Which one of these aspects would give me a fixed personality? It seems like my chart is mostly cardinal but I am SO stubborn. Would my Cancer sun make me that way?

Why is my birth chart dominated by unemotional planets?

Hm,cause no one can choose planets position in the chart :) And that's doesn't mean that you are unemotional or something,it just means that intellect is more important than feelings for you,you are logical and not carried away by emotions much :)

Have you seen this list of hundreds of Biologists and scientist skeptics of Darwinism?

This list includes biology professors, chemists, mathematicians, and specialist scientists in related fields worldwide.

Would you confront your husband over this? Or would most women not say anything ?

He is STILL normal. I like his ideas....he sounds like an interesting man. It wouldn't bother me one bit. I think the polo idea is incredibly ingenuitive and may use it for my sons.

In a composite chart, What does Venus conjunction pluto mean?

I have this with my lover, what does this do to our relationship? and how is venus square pluto in a natal chart, with love matter\style? are venus square pluto magnetic to, like the conjunction?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to get rid of LICE?

my friend in india has got lice for almost a year now. she has tried mediker shampoos and oils, manual picking out the adult lice using plastic combs,she's even used cockroach sprays hoping that if the sprays kill cockroaches then why not LICE?, she also grinded the neem leaves and made into a paste and applied it onto her hair keeping it for 1 hour and then shampooing it removing lice with the lice comb, also the maynnaise thing. however the lice and the eggs have not gone completely. pls help by giving easy home based methods without any side effects.

Is it my Mars in Leo that's making me so rebellious?

I'm a Leo, and I get angry really quickly, especially because of my stupid cousin, (me and him are born in the same day 2 august, but i'm 1 year older then him serves him right) and we always fight. He likes it, he does it on purpose,m but I hate him,. and Because of this I don't think 2 Leo are compatible, and I think it's may be because of your Mars in Leo

If i had a maths theory, where would i turn to?

I genuinely think I have a mathematical theory but, since I'm not a professional mathematician of any kind. I have no idea where to turn to. Can anyone help? (I live in Ireland by the way, but I'll go anywhere in the UK).

Why do liberals claim to be Humanitarian but support socialism?

Liberals want socialism and wealth redistribution so they can live off the government and get more social programs.

Tricky probability question. Competent mathematicians required!?

A)The answer's simple. Its 1/9. B)The total no. Of ways=9*9=81. The no. Of ways both nos. Equal=9 ways because you both may choose 1,1 or 2,2 etc which has totally 9 possiblites. Therefore the probability=9/81=1/9. Your guess's correct. Both are same.

Why does Goofy stand on two legs when Pluto remains on four? They're both dogs.?

Like what the others said: "Pluto is a pet..." Also try not to think about it to much, it is only a cartoon.

I have hunk straight hair I want wavy?

Hi. Uh my hair is super thick (I'm italian) and pin straight and I was just wondering if there was a way I could get it wavy, like a little wavy..and I need It wavy by 4:30 and I only have moose and hair spray and a straightener and a curling iron. Can you give me tips according to what I have?

Which heat protectant product works better?

I honestly would prefer Chi Silk Infusion. Chi 44 Iron Guard has alcohol in it which is very drying to the hair. Silk infusion hydrates the hair and makes it smooth and silk with providing the protection! I never liked 44 iron guard, it is very drying and makes you hair feel like you have hairspray in it. So go with Silk Infusion! So much better! Hope this helps.(:

I'm going to bleach a logo onto a t-shirt...?

So I found this DIY thing that shows you how to put a your own logo onto a dark colored t-shirt by laying letters on it and spraying the shirt with a bleach and water mixture. I have pre-cut letters that I'm using which are made from a sort of card stock type paper. Will the bleach soak through the letters? Should I put plastic wrap on them or something? Also do you think the discoloration will soak through from around the letters and mess up their shape? I know this would be a sort of trial and error thing but I only have so many letters and I don't want to waste them.

Why does my Honda push mower only run when it is starved of air?

My mower only runs when my hand is over the air inlet of the carburetor only allowing a very small amount of air through. It’s a Honda, model number - HRR2162SDA. I was also able to get it to run if I sprayed carburetor cleaner in through the air inlet. I only kept it running for about 15 seconds like just to prove that it would run. But I could keep it running for as long as I wanted with my hand over the air inlet. Does this make any sense to any one?

Isn't it odd that it that being exceptionally smart is difficult?

I wouldn't say you are to him as someone with a 50 Iq is to you for two reasons iq testing isn't 100% correct and generally (speaking from experience) people with a high iq have trouble with one section of learning because their interest is in anouther or because to them the subject seems generally wrong. I'm excellent in mathmatics physics biology and chemistry but I flat out suck at psychology and every aspect of 'soft science' to me it makes zero sense based on theory with little or no hard proof. Also people who have high a high iq are generally odd when put out of a comfort zone they may be bad in social situations or on personal levels because they are too absorbed in what they are working on. Just my thoughts. I'm sure your better at something than he is.

Finding another identity?

When you reaches at the top career level then you have no destination to get then you get fed up with life. the only solution is to target a new career and be busy to get that. that will rejuvenate your interest in life. try to think those things which you used to think in your college time and you know that those days were so nice. The life is beautiful when you are in the way to reach the dream destination. when you reach the destination you feel happy for sometime. but after sometime you get fed up. so try create a new destination and try to get it.

What does my natal chart mean?

Ur mother suffered during ur pregnency & delivery, U r quickly aroused but settled down,religiously honest, academicaly arts or commerce or socialogy, u can develop affairs with many & can enjoy sex. U have the quality to influence people in a very innocent & cultivated manner. Can bear a good status in govt/state. Father is very short tempered but high moral disciplinary.u can also undertake overseas profession. BRHANDA

Not to make you jealous but this is a typical day in my life ... I feel I am a role model for women on GS ----?

That was the most pointless post I've ever seen. Thank you for lowering my and the entire world wide web's IQ by several points.

Question for the astrology-savvy: Who do you think would be more stubborn?

TAURUS! haha they are the most stubborn no matter what! the sag woulld win,, if they have a taurus moon with an aquarius ascending then they will be stubborn as hell!!!!

How might a Mars opposite Saturn person get along with a Mars opposite Pluto person?

No they can get along fine as long as the Mars Aries opposition Pluto Libra gets to make all of the decisions. That is one strong aspect. And it is in the 1st and 7th house? Gonna be alot of drama as Mars is a warrior and Pluto has to have the power. And since Pluto is in the 7th which rules partnerships I am inclined to believe that whoever has this aspect will want to have the power in the relationship. Whenever Mars and Pluto are involved in an aspect (particularly conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, which always means that another is involved) there will be this constant tension (like a tightrope) and when Mars is at one end and Pluto is at the other end, who is going to be the winner? Usually Pluto. But Mars will always make sure that he/she is heard as it is in 1st house. Mars in 1st can be kinda mouthy at times. And the other opposition is a Mars/Saturn opposition. Saturn tends to restrict Mars and that can be a frustrating opposition. Mars wants action. Saturn says "not right now." Very limiting. And 4th house Pisces Mars is not especially strong. And the Saturn in 10th is pretty strong as Saturn is at home in the 10th. Good luck to each and Bless you both.

What would she be like ?

Very down to earth, calm, posee, normal, and full of potential. Open to discussion, open to the world, but quite work-focussed, and money-possessions, lifestyle etc focussed. Might have a taste for the gothic or theatrical, romantic or fastastic realm/litterature...

Help ppl from vegas n henderson nevada can't anyone help me I have a scorpion problem?

HI guys we really need help apparently this area where we bought our house has a scorpion problem but unfortunately no one let us know ,we have done everything sticky tape and using 3 types of poison for the house we just sprayed last week n we have found 6 inside the house since we don't know what else to does anyone know a good exterminator ? we just hate living like this paranoid and wondering where we are going to find the next one we have a 1 year old and we don't want her to get stung , she has had 3 close calls already we are really desperate , we know we are not going to get rid of them permanently but we don't want to see them as often as we do we have talked to our neighbors and apparently they only see one a month ,can't some one help us with some info please .

Dupli-color paint shop ready to spray?

has any one ever used it or no anyone with any experience with it.. thinking about it on the daily but just not sure if i want to cheap out that way...if you have anything to say about the paint shop stuff, please let me know

I don't TAN evenly?!! HELPP!!!?

Well, I know you said that you would never use sunless tanners which includes lotions, but I use Jergens Natural Glow lotion and it works great. It looks very natural (I'm very fair and it never looks orange or any other weird color) and I've heard that it can help with uneven tans. Hope this helped!

How can we even ponder god?

When humans are only aware of three dimensions and the smartest mathematicians claim that there are between 24 to 28 dimensions. It seems that to try and answer this question you lack too much info.

Why do i have such a bad life?

Hang in there for one more year then leave, get a job and get your own place to live and you can leave her to deal with her issues on her own or have her committed.

Very bad sunburn, help? :(?

Yesturday i went out on my boat fishing with my dad, and i didn't put on any sunscreen. (Bad mistake) I have a VERY bad sunburn on my upper back, and on the back of my shoulders. I've tried spraying vinegar on it, but so far it hasn't helped! Does anyone have any home remedies that I can try, that work QUICKLY? I just can't stand the burn and i cant walk, lean back, i got no sleep whatsoever last night, urg i just want it to go away :(

Insect Repellent Spray for Burglar Alarms?

Is there a special kind of insect repellent spray for burglar alarms (so that a fly or spider going over the motion sensor wouldn't trigger the alarm) or any type of repellent spray will do?

Crusty white temporary hair color spray?

Okay, so this Wednesday I want to dye my hair white (cause I think white hair is awesome) with temporary hair color aerosol spray (Fun and Fantasy) we have left over from Halloween costumes and stuff. My Mom says that that stuff makes hair really crusty and sticky and stick-togethery(ish), etc. Is there a way to make it not do that? It kinda smells funky to and I am going to be out with my youth group and I don't want to kill them with it (If that is possible) I will also take other options that I could for a TEMPORARY color and no I will NOT bleach my hair. But I am very open for any other suggestions, LOL.

My parents seem waaay overprotective and overreact too much?? please help..?

Examples, my parents got mad at me because my favorite color is black. They said it's an evil color. and they got mad at me cuz i said i liked michael jackson (for his singing and dancing) and they got mad at me and said he was a drug addict (which he isn't). they also looked through my ipod and took it away and yelled at me cuz i had "bad" songs and "bad' videos on it. the songs were like rock and metal, which is my taste. They said it's evil music, although i disagree, music is music. and i had some smosh videos on it, which they said was inappropriate. It sucks, cuz i want to do metal music when i grow up, and i'm thinking they'll just crush my dreams (like they've done before) and make me become a doctor or mathematician or something. well, i know they just want the best for me, but rock, hardcore, metal music is seriously the only thing that keeps me alive. help please. thanks

What are the contribution of the mathematician Henri Poincare?

As a mathematician and physicist, he made many original fundamental contributions to pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and celestial mechanics. He was responsible for formulating the Poincar� conjecture, one of the most famous problems in mathematics. In his research on the three-body problem, Poincar� became the first person to discover a chaotic deterministic system which laid the foundations of modern chaos theory. He is also considered to be one of the founders of the field of topology.

How to get rid of fleas?

the fleas are bad i spray the yard i vacuum 3 times a A DAy but they are a pain. i have 2 little grand kids and i dint want them to get bit.

My hair is really damaged. i don't know what to do...any suggestions? (: <3?

i curl my hair quite frequently, i have long hair. and its naturally straight. but i wanted to have my hair in a different style so that's when i started to curl it (with straighteners.) Now that my hair is damaged, i never know what hairstyles to do with my hair and how to protect it. i use heat-defense spray, but i don't think it helps really. please help me >.< xx

Is it possible to make a living as an astronomer when i suck at math?

i failed almost every math class i've ever taken now i go to an art school and i'm still not sure what to do with my life. I have always been very interested in the universe and stars and such but feel like if i go down that path i may get stuck with the intensive math stuff. Is it possible to do research or something like that without being a master mathematician? I read a good amount of information on black holes and theoretical research but i just dont know.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Do men make for better physicists and engineers while women make for better teachers and doctors?

Men are more creative, intelligent, objective. Women are more emotional, subjective, and stronger memories according to studies. Is this why men make for better physicists, engineers, mathematicians while women make for better doctors, teachers, and nurses because the latter professions require, for the most part, rote memorization and compassion (something women are good at) while the former professions require logic, objectivity, creativity, and intelligence because men are better at those things?

Ladies, what do you use to protect yourself while jogging?

Since it's illegal in New York State to defend yourself, I can't carry mace, pepper-spray, stun-guns or pocket-knives; so what do you recommend I use to fight off the rapists I probably will face while jogging?

Can I use cans of spray paint to paint my old beater truck?

I bought cans of primer and black gloss (in 1) at walmart for $4 a can. I have an old beater pickup I got for $900, and needs some new paint. Will this do the trick? I've sanded down all my rough spots, so I might give this a try. I know it won't look great, but is there a better option I should try? (<$150)

Why hasn't Michelle Bachman not released her long form birth certificate?

I'm not convinced she was born on this planet. I heard a rumor from a friend of a friend that got it from a blog that she was born on Pluto. Pass it on!

Has anyone tried John Frieda's touch of sun?

I was just wondering what you thought- years ago I used Sun In spray and it turned my hair orange. I'm a light brown and really like the idea of just spraying on the color as opposed to a complete dye. Thanks for your thoughts on this product.

How do you do do the Sea Salt Solution cleaning for a belly button piercing? HELP!!!?

Dont use the spray you'll burn the he'll pit of ur skin if u use it raw. The best way to clean it is to mix a teaspoon of salt with warm water dab a cotton bud in it and clean in it and the ring also. Do this three times a day and u shud have no problem:)

Refilling zagg instalation spray?

I looked on the website but it doesn't say how to actually refill the little white bottle with water.

What can i use to bleach denim?

Hi, can i use flash with bleach or domestos spray bleach (multipurpose cleaner) to bleach my denim jacket? Or would that not work? I've heard you can use domestos thick bleach to bleach out but i currently don't have it. P.s. if you leave any comments on how i should buy one a bleached jacket instead of trying to do it, i wanna do some diy & i enjoy customising my clothes. Thanks :)

Best paint for spraying?

Hi all, im planning in the near future having a go at spraying a car but im new to it so looking for a little advice, im really not sure what paint would be suitable for my needs, its going to be a sprayed at home in the garage job, ideally something that has a good finish out of the gun as im not to clued up on sanding and cutting ect, i was looking at a 2k paint but i read it wouldnt be suitable for a home garage job due to ventilation reasons, so any ideas what would be easiest to use for a beginner? Thanks

Bed bug repellent or prevention?

I work for a home care agency providing services for 5-8 patients a day. The city I work in is having a huge bed bug problem. I want to do everything I can to prevent bringing bed bugs to my home or infesting other patient's homes. I avoid sitting, which is hard because I like sitting down and talking to my patients. Is there something I can spray on my shoes to repel the bugs so they don't hitch a ride with me? Any other advice for prevention would be appreciated. Thanks!

Working with the US Navy while in college?

Department of the Navy civilian jobs are posted on I doubt there are any that would coexist with a (full time?) BME grad program. Try an internship or co-op or something like that.

Help with my chart explan it pleassse?

* Yes you are a very Cancerian Cancer! you are,deep inside, sensitive emotional and loving. Emotionally, you are the same. Your thought process is deliberate, sometimes emotional, and thorough. You have some issues with wanting to see things in a certain way that is not necessarily the way it actually is. You like to dress up the truth to make it more pretty than it is. But this aspect can also give you a great creative imagination. You can also have mood swings from grandiose to weepy. The issue here is learn to balance your emotions with research and a reality check before you express yourself. You can be flighty and flirtatious, , putting a lot of energy into looking for new and different sensations, especially sexual. You are drawn to stable, solid practical people; someone who will be pick up on your moods and sensitivities, someone who will listen to your thoughts and will wait out the long stories or memories you have stored up.

Acoustic guitar humidifier question.?

i have an acoustic guitar but don't have a humidifier, so i was wondering if i could just spray some water mist from a spray bottle into my guitar, or would that mess it up, please give detailed and specific answers, thanks so much.

Why are people Keeps telling me this ?

My name is Nader, i'am 18 years old , living in Egypt, i love Computers ,i love dealing with all the Operating systems like Linux & windows , mac, i just got some experience, i can make 5 boot operating systems on my netbook, i'am fast in using computers , such as Typing , Killing processes from the Task manager , creating After effects projects , Powerpoint Presentations up to 30 slides with videos & Hyper link buttons., I collect Computer hardware to get a Pc cpu collected in the case , i know most of the CPU components , i know most of the Processors , Rams out there, , i love to make some little things like Making my own Headphones, i get Thick heavy wires with paint sprays , i make them Mono channels ,then Melt plastic to reform their Body. , i made an electronic board that is connected between the headphones & the mp3 with a Led that Light up whenever the bass appears., i've hacked psps , i've got the 1000/1000 in the Microsoft office specialist Certificate in my collage, now the Thing that is Somehow annoying me is that Most of my fellow student whether they are my friends or not, they keep thinking that i am a computer genius , whenever they ask me about something and i reply and solve the Problem with a phone call they somehow tells me that i Should have NEVER entered Business administration section here in collage. whenever the Professor's Laptop do something wrong not allowing us to get the Lectures displayed on the Projector, he Asks who can help ?,. EVERYONE says "Nader". so i come out & Fix it & the professors knows well about me that i have good computer Skills. they ask me to Copy some books to a power-point Presentations and after i do , they get shocked telling me , Omg you did all that in that Short time ?., they Give me Extra Marks for that too., EVEN everyone i see is telling that. , I do believe in myself but i Don't know what to do about it . Can this be my Career? , i am confused, I just WISH to know why are they saying this & what should i do . Thank you a Million Times.

Experienced Plumbers? Lots of details...?

you can install an in line adapter to both the incoming pipes to the washer machine, called hammer stoppers. they can be bought at hardware store. They need to be soldered in to place which may require a plumber. This is not a uncommon problem and is an easy fix, ask plumbing guy at store he should know about them. Or call a plumber he can explain easily over phone. If you mechanically inclined you should be able to install on your own

33Year old father with anger issues.?

My dads the same :/ It sucks, I'd like to keep watch on this question and see if there are any other answers

Will a rubber sealer spray work to seal a leak on a gas tank?

I've got a leak on my honda 300ex gas tank tried poxy stuff and jd weld nothing worked. will a can of rubber spray do the job or will the gas eat away at it and leak again?

Can somebody help and give me advice pleasssssssseee, he called me a...?

I wouldn't speak to him until he calls and apologises. He sounds like he was really drunk and careless, you didn't do anything wrong. If he doesn't call in a few days, you might need to move on.

My mars jupiter and venus is oppositions of my saturn.. What does that mean?

This means that you are going to have quite a time in your relationships, as oppositions always require another person. Therefore, we are talking about your relationships with others. Having a Leo stellium (3 or more planets conjuncting each other, in other words very close together by degrees) means that you have some powerful planetary positions that will require personal responsibility to learn the lessons that Saturn (the opposite end of the opposition) requires. Saturn and personal responsibility. They walk hand-in-hand together. Sounds sweet until you find that Saturn lessons are often the hardest lessons to master in ones life. But, the hardest things we do in life are often those that are the most rewarding. You will be rewarded for your hard work. If it only didn't take so long and if Saturn wasn't such a stern taskmaster. Saturn means restrictions, delays, and often depressing. Saturn makes you always feel like you are taking baby steps. But you will get to the top of the mountain. It just won't be a quick trip. Leo Venus opposite Aquarius Saturn. Venus (relationships) will often feel like work (Saturn). You may have some heartbreak along the way or your partner may make you wait for one reason or the other, or there may be some issue that keeps you apart (waiting for a divorce, having a long-distance romance, etc) Age could even be an issue. There might be a large age difference between your partner of choice and you. Age is relative after all. but for one reason or another there will be delays and difficulties that you will need to work on until you finally get your mate of choice. (Venus in Leo is really going to be helpful at least as that is a wonderful sign for Venus). With Mars in Leo opposing that Aquarius Saturn, the warrior in you may feel stifled at times. Again, Saturn is going to limit your energy or your plan of action because that is just what Saturn does. So often you will feel like it is taking forever to reach your goals that you have had to "battle for." Mars is the planet of action. I can almost feel your anger over here as Mars wants instant gratification and Saturn is just not going to let you have least for a while. Mars also rules sexual activity and Saturn is going to try to delay and restrict that area of your life also. Bummer. But it will all end so nicely once you have covered all your bases and taken personal responsibility for those issues in your life. With Jupiter opposing Saturn, this is your saving grace. Jupiter is optimistic and this will considerably hasten all the above issues and thank God because I don't feel that you have the patience of a saint. Now, done with that. Your Taurus Moon opposition with Scorpio Pluto now has your emotions (moon) at odds with your personal power (Pluto) This can be a difficult opposition because we are dealing with your emotions. Your powerful emotions. You need to let out some steam from time to time instead of holding it in until it erupts into a terribly ugly emotional rant that 9 times out of 10 is not even directed at the person that you are upset with. You must learn control and compromise. Those strong emotions can scare others off when you are on full blast emotion-ville. When you are emotionally upset about a relationship, try to use running or a punching bag to get these stored emotions out of you because it really isn't healthy to hold them inside and it is not really healthy to allow them to erupt especially when it's at the sweet little widow that lives down the lane. You have life lessons out the kazoo with this chart. Be respectful of others emotions too. Just because yours are more powerful doesn't mean that others don't have any. Because they do. Good luck to you. And bless you because you have been given some pretty tough lessons. But our Creator never gives us more than we can handle. So you're gonna be just fine. In time that is unless you are one quick study! Again , hope this is helpful and good luck to you.

If your partner says to you...?

I'd think that I must have been mistaken to be with that person, given how badly they think of themselves. And say "O.K.", then leave.

Please help! my kitten has fleas! how long til they go away?

Its Okay your kitten will be fine and so will you all you have to do is get a flea drops from your pets doctor and apply straight away good luck!

Need help mathematicians!?

If you change the value of a in y=x^3+ax, how would the graph change? What are the relationships and similarities between y=ax and y=x^3+ax? How about for y=x^2=ax? Detailed explanation would be appreciated.

My friend is copying EVERYTHING I do?

She follows me everywhere she is a tomboy I'm a girly girl I got this make up kit and she went and bought it at our prom she saw the dress I was wearing and wore the same dress I was mortified wore the same make up and all. She copies EVERYTHING. If I like a boy band she will say she likes them even when she doesn't. I got this body spray and she said she had it and sprayed it under her armpits then I was like 'it's a body spray' and she was like I knew that.. she says she has everything I have I got a new phone and then now she wants it saying she has wanted it for ages..She fancies the same guy I like and its generally annoying me..

Transiting Pluto conjunct Sun; any thoughts?

It is my opinion it would be a good time to start a new venture because you will be in the creative house 5 and Pluto should clear some Obstacles for you. You should have the Tenaciousness of Trine Taurus and The growth oriented aspect of the second house with Virgo being the "harvester of Wheat and Tares" and Jupiter will kick in the expansion aspect of house 2 also

What can I do to calm my nerves for the flight??!!?

Honestly just enjoy it. I'm scared of heights and have no problem with planes. It's fascinating to watch the world below you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Setting off Fireworks at home?

We do it every year.. We spray the area of grass around where we light the fireworks off. And we never seem to have a problem with it. This year we are planning to do the same but there is a burn ban on. We are having people over for. A BBQ today and then were gonna light them off.... But my dad is kinda scared cuz we don't wanna catch anything on fire. Any suggestions?

Do Scorpios confuse infatuation for love?

I think they could be a little infatuated at first it's not necessarily love at first it's more like getting used to the other person being around a lot.. but once a scorpio is in love the person they're with is theirs, it's almost impossible to break up with a scorpio once you have them and once they have you.... If a scorpio does love you they'll show you the up most loyalty and care to you they will also be a little protective of you as well

Hosing down the horse on a hot day?

it's nice to hose a horse off on a hot day, and it's alright if you scare him a bit it's something all horses need to get used to. Just be careful and get the job over with. If you think he's afraid of just the hose then turn it off and let him sniff it and rub it on his neck and over his back a bit to show him that it won't hurt him. Then, turn it on and spray it on the ground so that it's not touching him. Wait until he's calm and then start hosing him off from the feet up. I think he really just needs to get used to the water a bit more. It should get easier every time too.

Damaged hair at ends underneath!!?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strengthen the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction (frizz) from brushing and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient and provides heat protection against electronic hair tools. You must use it after you use the straightener. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

How to remove death from papers?

place between parchement baking paper and iron with steam will kill any left over germs and get rid of any odor

My bmx seatpost is stuck into my frame HELP!?

Well I have a United Recruit BMX and my seatpost seems to look like its been hammered into the frame, the seatpost is more like a 'v' so it can be hamered in properly, i want to change it to pivitol but can't i've tryed banging it with a hammer and numerous WD-40 sprays into the frame/seatpost but still no movement, i don't know what the right thing to do to take it out is, can anyone help me D:

I have an itchy red rash?

It started to form around my inner thighs. I thought it came from shaving in that area. The next day I felt like my skin was on fire. It had spread from my inner thighs across my stomach under my breast and around my underarms (which I also shaved) (However, I shaved my legs and the rash didn't appear on them) It's VERY itchy. It's red and it looks like little pimples, however they aren't raised up like a pimple is. Some have clustered together tho. I'm very concerned it's 4th of July weekend and I can't get a hold of a doctor to see me. Can anyone help me figure out if it's Hives or something more serious. PS I've taken Benedryl, used the spray to relieve some of the itching and I've taking anti histimeans to help and nothing has.

Is there really a shortage of American scientists/engineers/mathemati…

Such that a large portion of them must be hired from foreign countries in order to meet the demands for workers with these skills?

What should I study when I grow up?

Here's my dilemma. I'm currently 15, doing IGCSE (first year) and I really don't know what to study when I get into college. Thing is, my marks are pretty high. I have an 18 in Extended Mathematics, 17 in English Literature & First Language, 18 in Spanish Literature, 17 in History, 17 in Geography, 16 in Economics, and well, a bad 11 in Coordinated Sciences. I would say my marks are rather high, and I'm definetly in the top 30% of the whole grade. I, however, do not know how much will my marks influence my entry opportunities to high-prestige universities (e.g. Manchester University, Yale, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Princeton, etc.), I'm obviously doing IB when I reach 11th grade, but I'm having doubts on what to study. I'm really good in Mathematics (the teacher has said to me that I should follow Mathematics High in the International Baccalaureate), really good in Literature (both narratives I wrote in English and/or Spanish got 20's) althought my favourite course is History. I thought I might study either Literature, Philosophy, Businesses Management, or even become a Mathematician. I'm definetly gettin a PhD in any field I decide to study, but I cannot make my mind up. Any suggestions?

How many people is it possible to sleep (have sex) with in an entire lifetime?

I'm actually speaking for both men and women and how many people both the man and the women can sleep with. And for all of you mathematicians out there: if it is possible to spend your ENTIRE life as an absolute and undeniable slut, how many people can a man sleep with over an entire lifetime? and a woman as well? Starting at puberty when the sex hormones and organs start kicking in..

What "mathematical" formula is Harold Camp using?

I don't believe that. put his "Complex mathematical formula" under a mathematicians nose and see if he is right. Which he isn't , Something like that based off of a religion cant be true

Why am I "bold" in love if I have Venus in Virgo?

Virgo's are not shy, They come off as that because they are modest and reserved at time. And want to wait to do anything so it could be perfect or in order. Your Leo Sun is out there, mix that with your trident Moon, it encourages that boldness. Remember suns are what you know you are. Moons are the deep part of you, and Venus's are how you love, not how you act in love. And you need all of your chart to figure that Virgo's hearts are not shy at all or reserved but very giving, loving and loyal. And LOL, your only 1 degree Virgo in Venus, that means you are really close tot he heart of a Virgo lover. And the boldness is your sun and moon taking over. You might not even full know how you LOVE yet.

What's the quickest, easiest way to curl your hair?

I have the HARDEST time curling it with a flat iron or curling iron. I sometimes do spray gel when my hair is wet but im not so crazy about the texture.....

Why do I click with Leo?

well what's your star sign? cos i'm a sun in leo and venus in virgo, so we could get along to haha! :D

What is a REALLY good mosquito repelent?

I sprayed "Off" on myself at least 6 times yesterday and I still got eaten alive. I am allergic to mosquito bites so I really don't want to have to keep re applying it to me. I want to spray myself once and be done. I even tried the dryer sheet trick and it kinda worked but I still had at least one or two bites.

How do scientists figure out all these distances in our universe?

Parallax is basically using the change in the angle of inclination and some geometry/trigonometry to find the distance. I'm having a hard time understanding it myself. You can try reading it: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Guinea pig free range time help!?

I really want a guinea pig and i know they need free range time, or floor time to get excersize. It's very important to their health and well-being, but how can i give them this if my mom doesn't want animals running around the house? And i'm pretty sure our backyard was sprayed with pesticide and insecticide. Should i sneak the guinea pigs upstairs into my piggie-proofed room? Should i convince her that she should let me give them excersize?How? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Did i poison my cat?? please help me!?

i put herbal flea spray on him (rosemary and cedar oil are the ingredients) i sprayed the bed he was laying on and sprayed him twice and he didnt lick it then he threw up.....hes acting normal but im neurotic so im worried that i posioned him. perhaps he was just stressed or the smell was too strong? im freaking out!!

Who proved the statement that “any complex number of unit modulus, except -1, can be expressed in fractions?

i want to know the name of that mathematician who introduced the idea that we can express a complex number and it's conjugate in fractions, like z= 1+xi/1-xi, where x is a real number

Can Comet powder be mixed with water to create a spray bottle for easy use?

I'd like to create a spray bottle of comet so I can clean my bathroom quicker. I also heard that it's effective against ants, but the main reason I want to use it is for cleaning.

What was the point of this D***he bag telling us the world was to end anyway?

Any descent person would try to prevent anarchy by leaving the human race to go on with their lives worry free. Seriously, what is the point of telling us? I mean, it isn't like if we knew in advance that we could pack our things and run away from it LOL. I think he feeds off of chaos, fear, loyalty, he wants to be acknowledged and viewed in a superior aspect... do you know how much money this entire hypothesis gained? 100 MILLION dollars, let me repeat that, 100 MILLION dollars for a baseless, mathematical theory by ONE person who NEVER got it right in the first place. Last time he predicted it in september 1994, after he was wrong he said " I did the Math wrong" .... O_O... and, so now this mathematician is attempting to not only predict the day, but the hour? His description of what will happen is not even PLAUSIBLE in the real world, for instance, a earthquake will strike each time zone that chimes in at 6 pm ... one by one.. O_o and that all who are chosen will be floating upwards to the heavens while still alive....

What type of personality is this in LOVE?

doesn't sound like a commited person most likely to cheat perhaps. need more water elements than scorpio

I want to get a spray tan for my holiday but..?

I want to get a professional spray tan for my holiday but I have spots on my back and I don't want the people who do it to see them as I will feel insecure and like they are thinking ew :( what shall I do???

Getting high off spray paint and whipped cream?

The DARE programs always said people get high off spraypaint, and movies like night at the roxbury talk about getting high from whipped cream. How exactly do you do that?

I was born March 20th, but my sun sign is Aries?

Are u 22 years old or nearby, & time 4 Hrs earlier than sun rise, U cant be aries, but ur others stars viz.moon mercury,sun reflects the personality of pisces, holy religious,innocent,fear of God, society system, culture limitations, Over excited ,dumped sexual desires, fulfil by unnaturalmeans. attached to mother, obedient. send ur exact date of birth,tme & place. Any fracture/injury/scar mark on foot/ankel..BRHANDA, astro vastu consultant. 9814111048

By smelling a perfume on somebody's cloth on road, how can you know what is its brand name or its ingredients?

Sometimes, while I am walking down the roads, I smell this lovely fragrance coming from somebody's dress. But due to street-protocol, I have never asked them that what was the brand they use. I searched in the perfume shops, but so many perfumes are there stacked together, that you cannot distinguish one fragrance from the other. Besides, they will not spray on you every individual brands as a sample. Because, if every customer wants sample, then all their perfume bottles will have gone evaporated within weeks. So, it is also not possible to smell every individual perfume bottle. And it is also not possible to buy every costly perfumes one by one, because it will take much time for these bottles to be empty, before I can buy the next brands. So, what should be done? Should I ask the person on the road directly that what's the brand? Will it be fair?

Would Pluto in Third House.....?

I doubt vengefulness would be a mark of this placement unless there were other aspects involved. But Pluto likes to ferret out secrets, and in the third house would create a very intellectually inquisitive individual. Pluto is also a planet of hiddenness, and thus the native, often a gifted speaker, might conceal as much as he reveals in his deliberate speech.

Aircraft spraying prep and technique much different to cars?

im a car panel beater and spray painter for about 6 years now and was thinking of getting a job spraying this nightmare work or how does it compare to cars can anyone tell the preparation much different etc??

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Am i a typical Libra?

Hi Queenie. Yes you are a typical Libra but with that Leo rising and moon in Leo you are probably a little more out-going than many Libras. with your Mercury/Mars conjunction in Libra you are probably quite out-spoken as Mars always like to have a battle here and there. You might want to be careful that you give others their say too. Sometimes you probably slip and you say something because that is how that aspect works. Think it (Mercury) then say it.(Mars) Since it is in Libra you probably are quite considerate though and that lessens the tendency to speak before thinking. Not sure exactly what house but that Capricorn "stellium" ( when 3 or more planets are conjunct, or closely together) is powerful. Next time list those three Saturn, Uranus, and Capricorn please and give the house placement. My daughter has this exact same conjunction in the 4th house. You two must be close in age. Wherever this stellium is placed there will be great activity. Saturn means you have to take personal responsibility where it is place. Uranus insists that you change and will not allow you to get in a rut. And then Neptune adds a spirituality beyond reason (rules infinity) and gives much creativity and often physic ability as well to that house that is occupies. Good luck Queenie. You are definitely a Libra though a little more outgoing than most. Everyone is unique and that includes you! Good luck and bless you.

How does this paragraph sound?

And still the power of these two subjects, math and science, is greater when combined. Scientists use a huge amount of math in their work and applied mathematicians have to think about real life applications when working on problems. The development of technology isn’t even fathomable without science and math. For instance, the car making industry isn’t just making pretty cars that spontaneously have great gas mileage and are durable. People have to design a car that is not only fuel efficient, but to where it can withstand car crashes. Cars have to be safe before car companies can even dream of selling them. There are people who sit and predict the force of impact of a car crash and use physics to reduce it in order to improve our safety for when we drive a car. Similarly, the manufacturing of canned food, as well as other things that need to last a long period of time, require quite a bit of math and science. Machines have to be tested over and over again in order to meet certain standards set by the FDA and be able to properly preserve the food in the cans. They have to be able to seal the cans and avoid contamination; otherwise it’s not safe for us to eat. There are other uses of science and mathematics. Roller coasters for example, require knowledge of physics and statistics. Roller coasters have to be designed in a way that is safe for humans to ride. To be safe roller coasters have to be tested in order to meet a certain level of safety so people know they are safe. Science, as well as mathematics, is a huge part of our daily lives as well as in the small enjoyments of our lives.