Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it my pluto 1st house along with venus that makes my identity wrapped up in proving that we must change?

Hello ViaFT, Internet out all day yesterday and was I "jonesin" (sp?) Just checked out your chart again and that Venus/Pluto conjunction is strong! Thank the heavens above it's not in Scorpio. At least with Libra you can at least say that you try to have harmonious and balanced relationships! lol (sorry, to myself anyway) Libra rising tends to make one beautiful and if Venus was solo in that 1st house how wonderful that would be! But adding that powerhouse Pluto takes that sweet ol' Libra and basically turns your sweet little Libra into an observant, takes-no-prisoners, You-are-going-to-take-no-BS from anybody in your relationships. That conjunction explains why you can't remember men's names because there is probably an abundance of them wanting to get into your drawers. When you love you love powerfully. And since this is a 1st house issues even if you wanted to hide this lusty power principle I doubt that you could. I would imagine that when you begin a relationship your partner has no idea what he/she is getting ones self into. Pluto tends to detonate the planets that conjoin it. Or maybe just bulldoze it down like it never existed. So you love powerfully and you also probably quit loving even more powerfully. (it is easily seen probably since 1st house issues are personality and ones first impression) It is going to take a strong person to be your partner. No humble and meek ones for you. They are just too easy to get. You need someone with strength, conviction, and loyalty. You will accept nothing less in a relationship. I remember that Aquarius guy, the creep that took x-rays of kids? What a pervert. BUT he did not stand a chance with you. I bet he was pretty surprised when he got your wrath! It is all or nothing with this aspect. I wouldn't worry about religion issues as that opposition with Aries Jupiter won't allow anyone to manipulate you. Aries is the warrior and Jupiter is faith and optimism. You have an abundance of courage to hold your ground against any religious zealot. So powerful love vs warrior of faith. Wavering between the two must get tiring at best. And agreed the Neptune trine is helpful. But you probably will always have issues with another regarding love and the war of faith. Gonna submit before I get Oops. Dang them anyway. I'll edit later Best regards Bless you and all Oh you have got to read Sasha S. question about Leos not needing attention. I got a little guilty laugh as I answered. Please check it out. It is close to your first question, a few before it I think. Please answer it as I think it is made for you as well as me. LOL Big Time Oh gonna answer your other question about mean girls after dinner. I need energy to answer some of these crazy questions. You need to eat too to keep up your strength with all those guys hounding you day and night. Bless you and yours again. Edit again. sorry but when I began studying astrology, Chiron was the big dog. I have enough problems working with everything else. But I do need to study them as I do have the interest. Will begin that soon. Yes you probably are scary to the male species. My daughter can't wait until we no longer need men. She is all "woman power" You gotta love her. Waiting for men to have an artificial womb so they can have their own babies. Then she is just going to laugh and laugh. Aw, kids. The best thing on earth. Can't wait to read your book as I am 100% agreeing with your religious premise. Working in churches as a church pianist was "enlightening" to say the least. Yeah, let's scare the crap out of them and then take their money! I have also written two small books about being a stepmother, and the other is how to survive being a single mom (trying to keep it simple as so many single moms are so young!) May just put the single mom one for free on my web site of course which I do not have as yet. Oh my favorite verse of the bible is Hebrew 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. Yeah, that is faith alright. Oh I became an ankle-biter when my progressed sun entered Aries at age 44. That was it. Grew me a backbone. Will keep this question so as I learn the asteroids I'll understand your questions. Good night and heading over to R and S for my rendevous with Jesus Jr and looking for your answers too. Bless you all. Will be in touch as usual. Edit: That total confinement has me upset. You have turned out great but many could learn from your abuse. At least that's what I call it. God bless you. Sleep tight. Edit: just saw your answer about Taurus guys lmao! You just made my day. Well, off ot the hyponotist! ttul

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