Saturday, August 6, 2011

My parents seem waaay overprotective and overreact too much?? please help..?

Examples, my parents got mad at me because my favorite color is black. They said it's an evil color. and they got mad at me cuz i said i liked michael jackson (for his singing and dancing) and they got mad at me and said he was a drug addict (which he isn't). they also looked through my ipod and took it away and yelled at me cuz i had "bad" songs and "bad' videos on it. the songs were like rock and metal, which is my taste. They said it's evil music, although i disagree, music is music. and i had some smosh videos on it, which they said was inappropriate. It sucks, cuz i want to do metal music when i grow up, and i'm thinking they'll just crush my dreams (like they've done before) and make me become a doctor or mathematician or something. well, i know they just want the best for me, but rock, hardcore, metal music is seriously the only thing that keeps me alive. help please. thanks

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