Saturday, August 6, 2011

How might a Mars opposite Saturn person get along with a Mars opposite Pluto person?

No they can get along fine as long as the Mars Aries opposition Pluto Libra gets to make all of the decisions. That is one strong aspect. And it is in the 1st and 7th house? Gonna be alot of drama as Mars is a warrior and Pluto has to have the power. And since Pluto is in the 7th which rules partnerships I am inclined to believe that whoever has this aspect will want to have the power in the relationship. Whenever Mars and Pluto are involved in an aspect (particularly conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, which always means that another is involved) there will be this constant tension (like a tightrope) and when Mars is at one end and Pluto is at the other end, who is going to be the winner? Usually Pluto. But Mars will always make sure that he/she is heard as it is in 1st house. Mars in 1st can be kinda mouthy at times. And the other opposition is a Mars/Saturn opposition. Saturn tends to restrict Mars and that can be a frustrating opposition. Mars wants action. Saturn says "not right now." Very limiting. And 4th house Pisces Mars is not especially strong. And the Saturn in 10th is pretty strong as Saturn is at home in the 10th. Good luck to each and Bless you both.

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