Monday, August 8, 2011

Can you tell who would be more emotionally vs. superficially attached in a relationship by house placements?

Good morning ViaFT, Of should I say Good Moaning...have you seen that guy here on answers? I am a night owl and I love that Good Moaning because the only thing I am good at in the morning is moaning. Oh, my back hurts. OOOOOHHHhHHhhhhHHHh...MY BACK HURTS! What a grump I am. With your job and kids and all your interactions with the weaker sex (lol) I'll bet you are a morning person. Well I am just too tired and too old. My daughter often says "You want me to start your water?" Yes, of course I do. That coffee is a necessity. Every long-term partnership I have ever had, the man always made my coffee for me. That speaks volumes. Well enough about me. How are you and is this the same guy that you had the compatibility chart with last week? I do use synastry to some degree but it is definitely not my strong point. I used to do the composite charts, with mid-points and so you just end up with one chart to study for the relationship. So, it's going to take me a while to get this going, but I am gonna look at it for a while and then edit. Actually typed ediot (when an idiot is editing LOL) So give me a few and then I will ediot. I think I have started something. Bless you and yours. Shall return.

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