Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How come everyone i kw has Scorpio in Pluto? what planet do u have in pluto?

Pluto spends 12-16 years in each sign. So anyone around your age probably has the same Pluto sign. Some astrologers do not believe that Pluto exerts much strength in a natal chart. I disagree. Yes, Pluto does have a large effect on society, getting rid of the old and beginning anew. But Pluto can have great significance in the birth chart. For example, many people of my generation have Pluto in Leo. But where it is placed and the aspects made to other planets can completely alter the meaning of the other planet. One of my friends is a Leo with her Pluto conjoining her Leo Sun. She does not seek the spotlight as many Leos do. She is very deep and observant due to Pluto's placement and she seems more like a Scorpio, which is the ruled by Pluto. This is why Pluto has such power in the chart. Pluto is nothing but concentrated power. The only thing that we need to watch with Pluto is that it always gets rid of old behaviors and I refer to it metaphorically like a bulldozer. But the problem with "leveling" everything to the ground is that one will lose all of the good things along with the bad. So that it the lesson with Pluto. Get rid of what is no longer useful but don't destroy the good things too. This is why Scorpio is the most powerful sign of the zodiac as its ruling planet is Pluto. Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you.

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