Friday, August 5, 2011

My mars jupiter and venus is oppositions of my saturn.. What does that mean?

This means that you are going to have quite a time in your relationships, as oppositions always require another person. Therefore, we are talking about your relationships with others. Having a Leo stellium (3 or more planets conjuncting each other, in other words very close together by degrees) means that you have some powerful planetary positions that will require personal responsibility to learn the lessons that Saturn (the opposite end of the opposition) requires. Saturn and personal responsibility. They walk hand-in-hand together. Sounds sweet until you find that Saturn lessons are often the hardest lessons to master in ones life. But, the hardest things we do in life are often those that are the most rewarding. You will be rewarded for your hard work. If it only didn't take so long and if Saturn wasn't such a stern taskmaster. Saturn means restrictions, delays, and often depressing. Saturn makes you always feel like you are taking baby steps. But you will get to the top of the mountain. It just won't be a quick trip. Leo Venus opposite Aquarius Saturn. Venus (relationships) will often feel like work (Saturn). You may have some heartbreak along the way or your partner may make you wait for one reason or the other, or there may be some issue that keeps you apart (waiting for a divorce, having a long-distance romance, etc) Age could even be an issue. There might be a large age difference between your partner of choice and you. Age is relative after all. but for one reason or another there will be delays and difficulties that you will need to work on until you finally get your mate of choice. (Venus in Leo is really going to be helpful at least as that is a wonderful sign for Venus). With Mars in Leo opposing that Aquarius Saturn, the warrior in you may feel stifled at times. Again, Saturn is going to limit your energy or your plan of action because that is just what Saturn does. So often you will feel like it is taking forever to reach your goals that you have had to "battle for." Mars is the planet of action. I can almost feel your anger over here as Mars wants instant gratification and Saturn is just not going to let you have least for a while. Mars also rules sexual activity and Saturn is going to try to delay and restrict that area of your life also. Bummer. But it will all end so nicely once you have covered all your bases and taken personal responsibility for those issues in your life. With Jupiter opposing Saturn, this is your saving grace. Jupiter is optimistic and this will considerably hasten all the above issues and thank God because I don't feel that you have the patience of a saint. Now, done with that. Your Taurus Moon opposition with Scorpio Pluto now has your emotions (moon) at odds with your personal power (Pluto) This can be a difficult opposition because we are dealing with your emotions. Your powerful emotions. You need to let out some steam from time to time instead of holding it in until it erupts into a terribly ugly emotional rant that 9 times out of 10 is not even directed at the person that you are upset with. You must learn control and compromise. Those strong emotions can scare others off when you are on full blast emotion-ville. When you are emotionally upset about a relationship, try to use running or a punching bag to get these stored emotions out of you because it really isn't healthy to hold them inside and it is not really healthy to allow them to erupt especially when it's at the sweet little widow that lives down the lane. You have life lessons out the kazoo with this chart. Be respectful of others emotions too. Just because yours are more powerful doesn't mean that others don't have any. Because they do. Good luck to you. And bless you because you have been given some pretty tough lessons. But our Creator never gives us more than we can handle. So you're gonna be just fine. In time that is unless you are one quick study! Again , hope this is helpful and good luck to you.

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