Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is srininivasa ramanujan's contributions to math?

What specific formulas, theorems, corollaries and lemmas did he discover on his own? Also how are his discoveries in math, applied to the field of computer science and physics? ramanujan was self taught mathematician who never went to school. How do you think that without any kind of school or education he was able to discover so much in math? And if he did happen to go to school and university, would his math findings be more powerful and impressive or it would not have made any difference? Please help. I am trying to write a biography on him. Every student in class has to write one biography about a great mathematician. There were 25 mathematicians, and each student had to pick a number randomly 1 to 25. I picked number 7, and ramanujan becomes paper topic. In the paper I specifically have to write any 3 of his mathematical formulas and theorems and try to prove and explain them. Please help.

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